đź’¬ About Me

I am currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in transportation under the supervision of Prof. Jian Sun at Tongji University. From Nov, 2022 to Oct, 2023, I was a visiting researcher in the Chair of Traffic Process Automation at the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences “Friedrich List” of the TU Dresden under the supervision of Prof. Meng Wang.

Research Interests

  • Social behaviors in driving interaction
  • AV decision making in interactive driving scenarios
  • Computational game theory

I am open to any interest on my work or collaborative research topics (zhaoxc@tongji.edu.cn)

🔥 News

  • 202407🔥  I will be holding a workshop “Advanced Modeling, Evaluation, and Simulation of Interactions in Mixed Traffic” at ITSC 2024 during September 24- 27, 2024 in Edmonton, Canada.[workshop site]
  • 202407🔥  Our work “Towards Interactive Autonomous Vehicle Testing: Vehicle-Under-Test-Centered Traffic Simulation” has been accepted by IEEE ITSC 2024. My colleague Yiru Liu will be presenting both a poster and an oral presentation at ITSC 2024 in Edmonton, Canada.[paper] [code]
  • 202404  Our work “Measuring Sociality in Driving Interaction” has been published on IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [paper]
  • 202404  Our proposal “Evidence-Based Communication Channel for Autonomous Driving Technology” has been officially funded by the 2024 IEEE ITSS New Initiatives Program.
  • 202401  We present our poster on “Modeling Social Interaction Behaviors and Measuring Driving Sociality in Strong Interactive Scenarios” at 2024 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
  • 202306  We present our paper on “Towards Active Motion Planning in Interactive Driving Scenarios: A Generic Utility Term of Interaction Activeness” at 2023 IEEE IV. [paper]
  • 202305  We are awarded the golden prize on 2023 International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. [link]
  • 202206  Our team won the championship of the Commonroad Motion Planning Competition for Autonomous Vehicles! [link] [talk]

đź“ť Selected Publications

T-ITS 2024

Measuring Sociality in Driving Interaction

Xiaocong Zhao, Jian Sun, Meng Wang

  • We introduce a novel framework designed to analyze social behaviors through driving trajectories.
  • By understanding and quantifying social patterns in natural driving interactions, we demonstrate the potential to enhance autonomous driving technologies by incorporating human strategies in expressing sociality.

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • Graduate Student Fellowship of China Scholarship Councils (CSC), 2022-2023.
  • Champion of CommonRoad Motion Planning Competition, 2022
  • National Scholarship for College Student, Ministry of Education of China, 2015, 2018, 2019 (Top 1%).


  • Working group leader of 2024 IEEE ITSS New Initiatives Program “Evidence-Based Communication Channel for Autonomous Driving Technology”


  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Transportation Research Part C
  • IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence
  • IET Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Automotive Innovation


  • IEEE Graduate Student Member
  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Member